
I love plants, and here are some of my favorites…


Attractive clump at Riverfront Park, Portland


Eucomis (Pineapple Lily) is always an attention-getter when in bloom.There are several varieties, many with dark, purplish or spotted stems. The flower, taking a while to rise out of the basal leaves, does indeed look like a mini pineapple and lasts a long time. It makes a great cut flower.






Strobilanthes (Persian Shield) has a wonderful silvery cast to its striking purple leaves. It can get quite bushy if pinched back and looks its best when highlighted in containers or on the edge of beds.






Brugmansia (Angel’s Trumpet) is a treasure for the patio, especially when relaxing in the evening and allowing the fragrance from the pendant trumpet-shaped blooms waft over you.  The leaves are somewhat akin to tobacco leaves. They are tender in our zone but can be overwintered inside and brought out again in spring.





AcanthusAcanthus mollis delivers! Its large, glossy leaves are an attractive asset but the star is its papery white and purplish  columns of flowers which remain for a long period of time.





 PricklySolanaceaSolanum pyracanthum (Porcupine Tomato? I had never heard a common name for this plant before) is a conversation-starter if ever there was one. Every surface of this plant has bright orange-yellow thorns!  Its purple blossoms identify it as a member of the Solanaceae family which includes our edible tomatoes and potatoes along with some poisonous or unpleasant types such as deadly nightshade. It enjoys sun but does best without blazing afternoon rays. It has a prickly sister/brother in Solanum quitoense which has dramatic, large leaves with purple veination